Meet Alyssia

Hi! I'm Alyssia. If you ask anyone who knows me, I am a crazy workaholic, always trying to find new and easier ways to get more done in less time. I have a true passion for helping others understand their potential and grow their business to new heights.

With almost 10 years in the industry, it was through my positions as an administrative assistant, account manager, accountant, and government auditor, where I truly understood my calling. And that is where Critical Counting, LLC was born – out of the desire to assist businesses by helping manage the back end of their business so that they can handle the front end growth.

Let’s chat! I look forward to learning more about you and your business!

Helping Service-Based businesses grow

Growing your business can be a struggle. You already have so many different aspects of your business to focus on, it can be a challenge to make sure you are doing everything correctly on the financial side of your business. That is why we decided to specialize in helping Service–Based Businesses take their business to the next level by leveraging the use of cloud based software. Our mission is to help you focus on running your business with the peace of mind that your accounting and advisory services are being handled by a company that understands your needs.

Book a call with me

Need help but don’t know where to start. Let’s talk! Let’s discuss what problems you are having so that we can figure out if our services are a good fit for what you need.

Click below for a FREE, ZERO obligation discovery call. It may be exactly what you need!


Bookkeeping is more than just recording transactions into a system. If it were that simple, we would simply record a lump sum into a revenue and expense account and call it a day. Bookkeeping is about recording business transactions into a set of accounts that will provide you with a meaningful set of financial data to not only understand your day-to-day but the future of your business.


Financial Statements

There are 3 types of financial statements that as a business owner, you should become familiar with: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cashflows.


Financial statements provide a snapshot of a business’s financial health, giving insight into its performance, operations, and cash flow. Financial statements are essential since they provide information about a company’s revenue, expenses, profitability, and debt.

Diagnostic Review

Not sure where to start? That’s okay.

We can start with a FULL diagnostic review to obtain a health report of the books in their current state. From here, we can identify a timeline for getting the books cleaned up if necessary, and determine the next plan of action in terms of business needs, regardless of whether you are going to DIY the books going forward or obtain our services for ongoing maintenance.